Completing a Multi Forwards order

After you book your forward trades, the Settlement Details page appears. On this page, you specify the accounts you want to use to pay any required deposits for the forwards. If the order contains multiple currency pairs, you need to specify the settlement account to use for each one.

Note: If you want to divide the amount of your deposit between two settlement accounts, you need to contact your dedicated trader for assistance.

To complete the Multi Forward order

  1. On the Settlement Details page, click a currency tab at the top of the page.

    Settlement Details page

    Only those forwards that will be settled by the selected currency are displayed in the grid. The grid displays the details for each forward, including the currency and amount bought and sold for each one, the maturity date, open date, rate, and any deposit required. By default, your preferred settlement account for the selected currency is displayed in the dropdown list.
  2. Choose an account from the account dropdown list.
  3. Optionally, enter any reference information in the forward reference text box. We recommend that you enter a reference that will help you identify the forward after it is booked.
    You can enter up to 250 characters in this field, but you cannot enter angle brackets < > or quotation marks.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each settlement currency in the order.
    You'll be redirected to Your Dashboard, and a message appears at the top of the page to let you know that your forwards have been booked.

    All of the forwards in the order are listed in grid at the bottom of Your Dashboard, on the Forwards tab.